Send Them A Message

Send Them A Message
Print the above sign for free. Display/distribute wherever/however it is legal. Do this at your own risk considering that leftists are extremeley opposed to actual free speech that does not involve pornography. If this sign's sentiment was expressed widely, openly, loudly, and constantly then the politicians and all other idiots favoring bigger government will have been given fair-warning that America will no longer be a willing participant in her own destruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Notice of available equal opportunity: ALL progressives, liberals, socialists, Marxists, and any of their leftist anti-American kindred spirits have been, are now and will be forever despised and opposed with appropriate contempt equally regardless of race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, proclivities, tendencies, etc.

Next Scheduled National Enema:

November 6, 2012 On this date liberal/progressive parasites will be flushed from our system like the toxic waste matter that they are! Patriots will reclaim the United States of America from the enemies within!

February 13, 2010


It is simply half-a-glass of something!!! "How much do you need to accomplish your objective?" is the real question. From inception to apparent omni-relevance, pondering "fullness" or "emptiness" has been a ruse designed to send a fundamental intellectual pursuit on a "wild goose chase." It is an intentional misdirection of focus! The only meaningful "fact" in this exercise is that there is half-a-glass. How you feel about it (full or empty, happy or sad) is irrelevant. The only pertinent question is, "How much of this do I need for the task at hand?". In other words, worrying about how "full" or "empty" it is means nothing compared to figuring out if it is "enough!" Once again, using your emotional response as foundation for the discovery of TRUTH leads to confused or circular thought. TRUTH is only rooted in fact and is therefore relevant. Feelings and perspectives fluctuate based on the individual; therefore, any assertions based on them are invalid as a foundation for enlightenment or advancement.