Send Them A Message

Send Them A Message
Print the above sign for free. Display/distribute wherever/however it is legal. Do this at your own risk considering that leftists are extremeley opposed to actual free speech that does not involve pornography. If this sign's sentiment was expressed widely, openly, loudly, and constantly then the politicians and all other idiots favoring bigger government will have been given fair-warning that America will no longer be a willing participant in her own destruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Notice of available equal opportunity: ALL progressives, liberals, socialists, Marxists, and any of their leftist anti-American kindred spirits have been, are now and will be forever despised and opposed with appropriate contempt equally regardless of race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, proclivities, tendencies, etc.

Next Scheduled National Enema:

November 6, 2012 On this date liberal/progressive parasites will be flushed from our system like the toxic waste matter that they are! Patriots will reclaim the United States of America from the enemies within!

Think About It...

3/18/10  As much as I don't want Obamacare passed in the first place, part of me knows that the ensuing knock-down/drag-out fight must happen now to halt and heal the destruction caused by a century of liberal/progressive/communist sedition.  The supporters of this "legislation(?)" will have the same realization as another enemy of America once had...that they "have awakened a sleeping giant." 
3/6/10 Stupidity is knowing that SOMETIMES we can predict the local weather while knowing that we NEVER control it yet believing that somehow we are ALWAYS influencing the planetary climate accidentally.

2/26/10 Irony illustrated: At the televised health-care meeting yesterday, Obama frustratedly told McCain that "...the election is over..." and that he should stop campaigning! This was in response to McCain posing legitimate concerns regarding the proposal. Reality Check: The Traitor-In-Chief has spent his first disgraceful year in office doing nothing but continuing to campaign!!!

2/21/10 Glenn Beck's speech at CPAC 2010 is truly deserving of the accolades, "historic" and "inspirational". This is in contrast to every bubble-gum, fluff-filled transparent utterance by President Barack Hussein Obama being labeled "...Historic..." in the headline template prior to the actual delivery of the speech. Beck clarifies current events by illustrating how history has led us precicisely where we are. Watch the whole speech, but first watch the way he explains the Statue of Liberty starting at 55:30.

2/18/10 Hope for change: O Lord, please fundamentally transform the Republican party so that it will resist its inclination to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!

2/18/10 TRUTH is. (constant)
Perspective is whatever. (variable)
Following the logic of math we know that a constant does NOT depend on any variables!!!
Truth is therefore not dependent upon perspective; likewise, perspective is therefore irrelevant when defining truth