Send Them A Message

Send Them A Message
Print the above sign for free. Display/distribute wherever/however it is legal. Do this at your own risk considering that leftists are extremeley opposed to actual free speech that does not involve pornography. If this sign's sentiment was expressed widely, openly, loudly, and constantly then the politicians and all other idiots favoring bigger government will have been given fair-warning that America will no longer be a willing participant in her own destruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Notice of available equal opportunity: ALL progressives, liberals, socialists, Marxists, and any of their leftist anti-American kindred spirits have been, are now and will be forever despised and opposed with appropriate contempt equally regardless of race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, proclivities, tendencies, etc.

Next Scheduled National Enema:

November 6, 2012 On this date liberal/progressive parasites will be flushed from our system like the toxic waste matter that they are! Patriots will reclaim the United States of America from the enemies within!

You Might Be A Liberal/Moron/Progressive If...

3/27/10  You believe the new health care "law" is good in any way.

3/14/10  You have heard the statement, "Islam is a religion of peace"; and you either actually belive it or
               desperately want to belive it.

3/4/10    You still believe that humans possess the ability to influence the global climate in any significant way.

2/26/10  You think that the U.N. and multi-culturalism are more relevant than our national origins and
               founding fathers' vision.
               "From each according to his ability to each according to his need" sounds like a good idea.
               You attribute the preceding quote to George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, or some other
                patriotic icon.
               You're fuzzy on the details of who Marx and Alinsky are and what they believe, but you're
                in crystal-clear agreement with Obama's beliefs in "HOPE" and "CHANGE" and the
                "FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION" of America.
                You voted for democrats in recent (any) elections.
                You're still "HOPING" for the "CHANGE" and "FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION"
                 that you "COULD BELIEVE IN."
                You're starting to think that Barack Hussein Obama might not have been referring to the same
                 type of  "CHANGE" and "FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION" that you "BELIEVED

1 comment:

  1. You might be an asshat if you believe that Islam is not a religion of peace and Christianity is.

    The thoughts, beliefs, and actions of the extremists should not be confused as the dogma and creeds of the religion.

    Jesus' name is (and has been) used just as often as Mohammed's when attempting to justify genocide, terrorism, and any other act that limits or encroaches upon a human being's rights.

    To desperately cling to the belief that Christianity is a morally better religion than Islam, is to show the world that you are no less a "moron" than the liberals that you denounce.
