Send Them A Message

Send Them A Message
Print the above sign for free. Display/distribute wherever/however it is legal. Do this at your own risk considering that leftists are extremeley opposed to actual free speech that does not involve pornography. If this sign's sentiment was expressed widely, openly, loudly, and constantly then the politicians and all other idiots favoring bigger government will have been given fair-warning that America will no longer be a willing participant in her own destruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Notice of available equal opportunity: ALL progressives, liberals, socialists, Marxists, and any of their leftist anti-American kindred spirits have been, are now and will be forever despised and opposed with appropriate contempt equally regardless of race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, proclivities, tendencies, etc.

Next Scheduled National Enema:

November 6, 2012 On this date liberal/progressive parasites will be flushed from our system like the toxic waste matter that they are! Patriots will reclaim the United States of America from the enemies within!

March 19, 2010

Thank You Nancy Pelosi!!!

The Sneaker of the House has finally delivered "transparency" by revealing her true agenda. For this, we the people thank you! Thank you for enlightening us to the concept that "deeming" is just as good as "voting." Our first application of this new understanding will be to spare ourselves from "procedures" that nobody really cares about; so, instead of waiting until November, we "deem" you to be out of office now! Once again, THANK YOU for showing us the way.

March 14, 2010

Somebody Needed to Say It!

"We should all get pissed off by stupidity. One of the most abhorrent manifestations of stupidity is adherence to political correctness. PC is the commonly accepted excuse to openly promote twisted distortions of reality (lies) as enlightened fact. Most "moderate" Muslims will acknowledge that "only" 10% of Muslims believe in what would be considered "radical" jihad. It is commonly accepted that there are approximately 1,000,000,000 (one billion) Muslims worldwide. By their own estimates "moderate" Muslims are telling us infidels that there are approximately 100,000,000 (one hundred million) Islamo-facists dedicated to radical jihad against all Western civilizations. Demographic data clearly shows Muslim communities spreading to every Western nation and rapidly establishing a pool of "citizens" that populate at a rate that greatly exceeds the rate of the "host" nations people. By any honest observation it is clear that somehow 900,000,000 people are allowing 100,000,000 people to wield the power and control of their common faith. I believe that "moderate" Muslims exist; however, the only obviously potent version of Islam is radical. Right now the "moderate" forces within Islam are decidedly impotent. Stop telling the West that essentially all the terrorism we see is really an insignificant footnote of Islamic proliferation. The whole world now knows that it doesn't matter how "few" the numbers are because those "few" are obviously in control of the global direction Islam is taking. So let us now dispel the myth and all of its accompanying indignation: Islam IS the problem!!! Until you 900,000,000 take control of your religion all of us infidels are rejecting in advance any feeble and pathetic attempt to minimize the perceived level of influence wielded by your "radical" element." The initial context of my preceding statement can be viewed at While this article is disturbing, it is not surprising. We need to wake up and destroy the intellectual cancer known as PC! We can defeat this parasitic infestation of the human mind! While "moderate" Muslims do exist, "moderate Islam" does NOT!!! This is demonstrated by history and current events. A moronic lack-of-understanding is reserved exclusively for those people engaged in the apparently new-age progressive yoga position that I call "Face-In-Colon"!!! This seems to be a prerequisite to calling oneself "Progressive" or "Liberal." Remember that the Nazi party was a small, radical group in Germany. By the time the German people awoke to the reality of what had happened, it was too late. For our children and grandchildren, we must not make that same mistake with Islam!

March 11, 2010

Nancy Pelosi Reveals Her Twisted Concept of Governing

Our despicable Speaker-of-the-House Nancy Pelosi has the charm and subtle persuasiveness of Medusa. She clearly demonstrated this again today (see video link below) when she said, "...We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it..." She was serious!!! If your banker told you that you had to sign your loan agreement first and then he would tell you the interest rate and other terms, you would think he was joking. Upon realizing that he's not joking, you would think he had some sort of mental disorder. In lieu of a mental disorder, criminal intent is the only explanation remaining. So, regarding Pelosi, which is it? Is she a comedian? Does she suffer from a debilitating mental illness? Is criminal intent motivating her? Actually, I believe she has a "trifecta"!

March 03, 2010

Change You Can Believe In????

Memo-style summary of today's address by our Commander-in-Sedition regarding total-government-takeover of health care: 3/3/10 TO: American citizens FROM: President Barack Obama, Commander-in-Sedition RE: Health Care Reform (i.e.Change you can believe in, i.e. Fundamental transformation, i.e. Seizure of entire health care industry by government) Message: Screw You!!! We're ramming it through!!! Trust
me now, it's GOOD for you!!! Sincerely, BO
Did anybody else get this memo?