Send Them A Message

Send Them A Message
Print the above sign for free. Display/distribute wherever/however it is legal. Do this at your own risk considering that leftists are extremeley opposed to actual free speech that does not involve pornography. If this sign's sentiment was expressed widely, openly, loudly, and constantly then the politicians and all other idiots favoring bigger government will have been given fair-warning that America will no longer be a willing participant in her own destruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Notice of available equal opportunity: ALL progressives, liberals, socialists, Marxists, and any of their leftist anti-American kindred spirits have been, are now and will be forever despised and opposed with appropriate contempt equally regardless of race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, proclivities, tendencies, etc.

Next Scheduled National Enema:

November 6, 2012 On this date liberal/progressive parasites will be flushed from our system like the toxic waste matter that they are! Patriots will reclaim the United States of America from the enemies within!

January 30, 2010

Opening Thoughts

TRUTH, regardless of the courier or delivery technique, is TRUTH. TRUTH wrapped in a lie is a LIE. 99.9...% TRUTH is, as a whole, a LIE. TRUTH does not change. TRUTH is not subjective; perspective is. A different perspective does not equate to a different TRUTH. TRUTH is what is or was; perspective is an explanation. TRUTH is a set of 5 small symbols connected spatially in the tangible realm as a best-but-pathetic-attempt by humans to convey a universally intangible concept. TRUTH does not depend on how one feels. TRUTH does not depend on the percieved situation. TRUTH is not relative. The situation and how one feels are relative to perspective. TRUTH is subject to none of these. To those cheering: Welcome! Keep the faith! We're just getting started! To those screaming, laughing, and/or confused: Thank God that you can still feel something. This is the help you've desperately needed. To those indifferent: Keep coming back if you want to wake up. More to come...


  1. Why is it that asshats who claim to know the truth fail to realize their perspective clouds their judgement?

    Yes, truth is constant. However, one's perspective alters how one interprets the truth. Your claims of truth not depending upon perspective are, in theory, correct. However, one finds it difficult to believe any one person can see the truth for what it is, and not allow their own beliefs, perspectives, and ideals color the truth.

    Math is a horrible subject to use to validate your claim that perspective is irrelevant to defining truth. Math is a black and white subject, where the answer is right, or not. I can see why you would use such an argument, because in your eyes, the truth is right, and everything else is wrong.

    Human beings are not so black and white. There are few (if any) people who can see the truth as it is, and be able to view it without their perspective altering the truth in their mind.

  2. Forgive my ignorance of your vernacular. I don't know what an "asshat" is. I do know that you are on the verge of embracing the truth. Your eloquent, "devils-advocate" style of expressing reluctance to this endeavor is merely evidence of the liberal/progressive indoctrination from which you are nearly-fully awakened. Do you not realize that immediately following your acknowledgement that truth is constnt you spend 3 entire paragraphs reciting the best equivication/homogenization tactics that liberal indoctrination has embedded in you? This obfuscation is the default liberal response to TRUTH. You got it right...Then you spent 3 paragraphs trying to rationalize why the TRUTH isn't true. This attempt actually included the dismissal of mathematics as a description of truth! To quote Savage, "Liberalism IS a mental disorder." Have you not heard the analogy of the 4 blind men describing an elephant based on what they are each allowed to feel/touch(tusk, ear, leg, tail)? None of them accurately describe the elephant!!! Each one accurately described their perspective, but none were true. Perspective is NEVER a foundation for the discovery of truth. It is the inhibiting factor that limits our understanding as human beings. Raw factual data and logical analysis are our best efforts to describe truth. Any other belief is faith-based (emotional, philosophical, spiritual, etc.) Feelings of faith are legitimate, but they are not the source of truth; however, truth revealed or unrevealed CAN be the source of faith. Liberal indoctrination intentionally blurs the division between feelings and facts. Situational ethics and fluid morality are among the foundational lies that liberals/progressives spread. Right/wrong and good/evil exist absolutely independently of how we feel!!! How good or bad we feel about something is absolutely NOT relevant to whether that thing is actually right or wrong!!! Emotions/feelings have absolutely no relevance whatsoever when attempting to describe truth. The best we can do is try to seperate these concepts appropriately.

  3. My "devils-advocate" style of speaking, as you described it, is not evidence of the liberal indoctrination you seem to fear. It is merely the evidence that this asshat refuses to listen to another asshat's opinions of what is TRUTH.

    Ironic, then, that in your posts about TRUTH, you attempt to share, nay, force your beliefs and opinions as TRUTH.

    Of course, this comment will be read by you as evidence that I am just one of the Progressive Liberal Morons (henceforth called a PLM™)that you despise. It seems anyone whose opinion differs from you, is a PLM™.

    I was going to implore you to reconsider labeling me a PLM™ because I believe in personal and economic freedom. Lower taxes and less government interference in my personal life.

    Then I remembered that I also believe the Republican party can go fuck themselves.

    So in the end, it really doesn't matter whether you label me a PLM™ or not. The opinions of a self righteous Republican asshat who stands upon his soapbox, shouting his opinions, and patting himself on the back are of little concern to me.

    Because those opinions are 100% not the TRUTH.
